Articles which are published in the SENTINEL Journal, go through a pre-review process to see the suitability of the writing format, pictures, tables, citations, and bibliography. After that, at least 2 reviewers will review the substance by single-blind method and then the article has been approved by the reviewer, so it will be forwarded to the editor. The next step, the editor will edit the article, so that the article is in accordance with the provisions of the journal publishing format.

The review and editing process is carried out for 4-8 weeks. The decision of article is accepted or rejected for publication, it is the authority of the Chief Editor based on the recommendation of the reviewer


Artikel - artikel yang dimuat pada Jurnal SENTINEL, melalui proses pre-review untuk melihat kesesuaian format penulisan, gambar, tabel, sitasi, serta daftar pustaka, selanjutnya dilakukan review substansi setidaknya oleh 2 (dua) orang reviewer secara single-blind. Artikel yang telah melalui proses review dan telah disetujui oleh reviewer, maka akan diteruskan kepada editor. Tahap selanjutnya, editor akan melakukan proses editing terhadap artikel, agar artikel sesuai dengan ketentuan format penerbitan jurnal.

Proses review dan editing dilakukan dalam rentang waktu 4-8 minggu. Keputusan artikel diterima atau ditolak untuk diterbitkan menjadi kewenangan Ketua Editor berdasarkan rekomendasi dari reviewer.